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NICE Bites Bulletins

 NICE Bites is a monthly bulletin from the North west Medicines Information Centre which summarises    key prescribing points from NICE guidance.

 The aim of this publication is to provide healthcare professionals with a clear and succinct summary of key prescribing points taken
 from NICE guidance. It has emerged from collaboration with colleagues in primary care in response to a need for easily accessible
 information. We hope it will be a useful tool in the implementation of NICE recommendations.  Each edition will highlight sections
 of NICE guidance which relate to prescribing and will cover recent guidance as well as a catch-up programme of previous
 guidance. It will cover the following:
 Clinical Guidelines
 These are guidelines on the appropriate treatment and care of people with specific diseases and conditions and are based on
 the best available evidence. 
 Technology appraisals
 These are recommendations on the use of new and existing medicines and treatments within the NHS. It is important to bear
 in mind that technology appraisals carry a statutory obligation for CCGs to provide funding within 3 months of publication. 
 NICE recommendations are based on systematic reviews of the best available evidence. When minimal evidence is available
 recommendations are based on the guideline development group’s opinion of what constitutes good practice. For a complete
 review of each topic please refer to the full NICE guidance which can be accessed at www.nice.org.uk.  Healthcare professionals in
 England are expected to take NICE guidance fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement however, it does not
 replace their knowledge and skills.


Items In This Category

application/pdfNICE Bites May 2019 Crohns disease.pdf (241KB)22/05/2019Download
 This guideline covers the management of Crohn's disease in children, young people and adults. It aims to reduce people's symptoms and maintain or... 
application/pdfNICE Bites April 2019 Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women.pdf (261KB)01/05/2019Download
 This guideline covers the assessment and management of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women. NICE NG123; 2019 
application/pdfNICE Bites March 2019 Bronchiectasis and acute cough antimicrobial prescribing.pdf (192KB)01/04/2019Download
 This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for managing and preventing acute exacerbations of bronchiectasis (non-cystic... 
application/pdfNICE Bites February 2019 COPD.pdf (395KB)27/02/2019Download
 This guideline covers diagnosis and management of COPD in people aged ≥16 years, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It covers stable... 
application/pdfNICE Bites UTI Antimicrobial Prescribing January 2019 pdf (554KB)04/02/2019Download
 This edition includes four antimicrobial prescribing guidelines: 1.Pyelonephritis, 2. Lower urinary tract infection (UTI), 3. Recurrent UTI, 4.... 
application/pdfNICE-Bites Prostatitis December 2018 and 2018-index.pdf (231KB)11/01/2019Download
 This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for acute prostatitis. It aims to optimise antibiotic use and reduce antibiotic... 
application/pdfNICE Bites Chronic heart failure November 2018.pdf (448KB)29/11/2018Download
 This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of chronic HF in people aged ≥18 years. NICE NG106; 2018 
application/pdfNICE Bites Dementia October 2018.pdf (512KB)01/11/2018Download
 This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of dementia including Alzheimer's disease. 
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