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Non-Medical Prescribing

Non-Medical Prescribing
Welcome to the non-medical prescribing web pages containing links to related documents, publications, articles of interest, links to
other websites aimed to inform about all aspects of non-medical prescribing.
Since 1999, all district nurses and health visitors have been able to prescribe independently from a limited formulary of medicines
and medicinal products to treat conditions they encounter and are skilled to deal with (Nurse Prescribers' Formulary for
Community Practitioners).
In 2002 the law changed to enable other nurses to prescribe more medicines for a wider range of medical conditions after 
undergoing a rigorous degree-level education programme.  Since then, the staff groups who can prescribe in some way has 
expanded and now includes nurses, pharmacists, podiatrists, radiographers, physiotherapists and optometrists.  The range of
medicines has also increased to include most medicines for any medical condition the practitioner is competent to manage.

Please note that the Approval to practice and annual declaration form should be returned before the non-medical prescriber 
can be registered with the NHSBSA and prescribe in the practice. It must be updated annually before any changes are made to prescribing.


 All material in this section is aimed at health care professionals, but is information currently held in the public domain, members of the
  public seeking advice on medicine-related matters are advised to speak with their GP, pharmacist, nurse or contact NHS111 Service 
  Email: info.elmmb@nhs.net
 Copyright© 2016 East Lancashire Medicines Management Board 
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