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5.0 Infections

5.0 Infections 
The list below purely represents those formulations stocked within ELHT.  Traffic lights have been assigned to these drugs, although there are additional recommendations on what grade of staff may initiate or recommend them within secondary care.  Please refer to the most up to date Pennine Lancashire Antimicrobial Guidelines for such information before prescribing any of these antimicrobials.
The most recent editions can be found below:
Antimicrobial Guidelines in Primary Care
Antimicrobial Guidelines for Secondary Care
NICE Visual Summaries: Antimicrobial Prescribing
For further guidance refer to local Consultant Microbiologists or contact your pharmacist.
Information Leaflet - Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection
Information Leaflet - 'Treating your infection' (self-care)
Assessment form -'Urinary Tract Infection Assessment Form for Care Homes'